There's still a lot I have to get set up, including finding more information about tweaking Blogger. Besides the "for Dummies" and "Idiot's Guide" series of books, there's another I found at Amazon that is specifically about Blogger, by Elizabeth Castro. This woman seems to be quite an expert on HTML, so I'm going to order it. OK, OK, a lot of it will be over my head, but still...
But I thought I'd introduce the purr-dominate members of our family, the Black Sisters, Midnight and Shadow. They will be 15 in October, and while they have one or two of the ailments of such senior cats, they're doing well. Clearly they're finding beds and desks and such to have suddenly gotten taller, but they manage. Middy is the larger, at about 12lb; Shadow is petite at 7lb. The picture of Midnight shows her usual elegant 'paws-itude'; she does that even when sleeping on her side. That location, next to the computer and the window overlooking our wisteria-covered arbor, is quietly fought over as a preferred napping place. Shadow's photo shows her all-white whiskers, and she's aware that her image is on a lot of T-shirts and feline-themed items. It was difficult to get a good shot of her, since my approach with the camera made her start grooming her fur to get ready for her closeup.
Pictures of DH will follow one of these days, as soon as I make the last little change to his Rockport Vest so that he can model it.
Congrats on the blog, CBM! Love the purr kitties!
Hi CatBookMom!
Nice to see you in the blogosphere - it was only a matter of time!
I've added you to my "must reads"...
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