I have a simple lace scarf going with a single strand of Elann's Baby Cashmere, so I thought I could make a go of the Baby Silk, although it is more slithery because of the silk content. OK, so I cast on for two repeats of the pattern and started my swatch. Hah! Couldn't get to row 5 without losing stitches somewhere. Frog. Repeat. Grabbed some DK Optimum and sailed right through the first set of the pattern rows.

So Dayflower will be a double-stranded project, still in the lovely Cedar Baby Silk. I've included pictures of the pathetic results of my two evenings' knitting, though there's actually 11 repeats done on the Edging. There's a picture of the pattern swatch and the Edging (bottom), which is the start of this shawl, and closeups of both. These are dry-'blocked', just pinned out to show the design. Obviously, my gauge is significantly

On other knitting progress, my holiday gift scarf #3 is moving right along, and I'll post pictures of it when there's a bit more of the pattern to show. I'm nearing the end of the boring 4x4 ribbing section, so more cables are not far off.
I have had a lot of comments about the pricing of the boutique items my seniors' charity group sells. We don't have a Queen Bee in the group, but we do have a Tradition, and Tradition is being difficult about adapting. Hence the ultra-low pricing. Until about 4 years ago, the boutique funds were used to buy yarn and quilt supplies when the donations of yarn and fabric ran low. Since I joined, other than some quilt batting, we haven't needed to buy anything. So we are s-l-o-w-l-y moving Tradition along toward raising more funds from our work to donate to other charities.
Woosh! First to comment - I am so on the ball when the studying is done ;). Thank you for the suggestion and link (Sockmadness). I popped over and it looks like a lot of fun. I bravely emailed to ask if they still want designers, I hope to hear from the moderator soon - wish me luck!
Wow -- I admire your perseverance over that piece of lace. I don't know if I would have got half as far as you with the frustrating yarn. I do like that cedar colour. Can't wait to see how it turns out doubled. Think how doubly cosy it will be too...mmm...
I am dying to make a wool peddlars. Did you finish the shawl you were working on with the Highland Chunky?
That Cedar colourwary is beautiful! I have a couple of balls of it somewhere - i think I see a scarf or something coming - it's really nice in a lace pattern.
Beautiful work CBM. I, too, admire your sticktoitiveness. (Yes, that is a real word; I learned it in 10th grade English.) I hope you are using bamboo or wood needles since they make a world of difference with slippery yarn.
Hi CatBookMom - I just left a comment for you on the Lacevember blog...but I wanted to pop in here and say howdy.
I'm a knittin' pal of Snitty, and I think you and I are going with her this weekend to the SCHG fiber fest - so howdy!
Looking forward to meeting you. :)
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