DH and I have two VISA accounts, 'his' and 'hers'. His is with VeryBigBank, mine is with a VerySmallCreditUnion. Recently the servicing of my credit union account was transferred to a VeryLargeCompany, and I was concerned that the service would become awful. Well, I'm happy to say I was wrong!! This morning I got a call from VLCompany to ask about a possibly-fraudulent charge on my account, a $120 amount at a place I rarely go. Yep, it wasn't mine, and now it will take most of the week to get the new card & account # (boo, hiss!), but I'm so happy. I would have expected them to inquire about a $1000+ charge, but $120? I've emailed to my credit union to tell them about the great service.
The Knitting News
There's some knitting fun to report. My seniors' group has finished their Red

This scarf comes to you with encouragement
and support from the volunteers of the
Joslyn Knitting and Crocheting Group, Burbank, CA
and support from the volunteers of the
Joslyn Knitting and Crocheting Group, Burbank, CA
I've made progress on my Highland Triangle Shawl, from Cheryl Oberle's Folk Shawls book, with the lacy part now more than 8 inches long. I'm going to have to add more sections to my Denise needles to spread out the 300 or so stitches to try on the shawl and decide how much longer to make it. Pictures will be forthcoming when it's more than a big blob.

And for a kitten update, the vet called yesterday to say that Shadow's various test levels are just fine, including her thyroid, for which we've been treating her for a year or so. Yay! We'll continue the meds he gave us, and they seem to be working; no coughing for the last couple of days, and her mousie is back in play, which is a very good sign.
fifty-one scarves? You guys ROCK!
Your scarves are gorgeous, and the tags are wonderful! Our tags were made by three different groups: Noisy Needles, the Pinckney Purlers, and moi. Each read something like, "Hand Made Especially Just for You", "Best Wishes, from", etc. I made up special tags for the Ann Arbor SnB group, where I held my little contest.
Yea Shadow! Yea Red Scarves! and Yea good husband!
(And for some reason my word verification looks strangely like "afghan meltdown")
51 scarves?! You and your group so rock in the charity department! Big pats on the back for all. :)
That's terrific that you and your little group of seniors made all of those scarves! Must be very satisfying for you all!
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