This is Gold Medal showing the stages of color as the buds open and the bloom ages. For the single blossom photo, I've put my hand in for size; these grow big and especially in this first flush.

This is First Prize, showing the big quantity of buds that are opening; this is from about the same view as Tuesday's picture. Again, my palm is for indication of size; it's a bit over 5 inches from the base of my palm to the tip of my pinky.
And then these are others that have opened. First there's the ruffly-petticoats look of the heritage climbing rose, Sombreuil.

I like this shot; the light playing shadows with the petals of David Austen's Glamis Castle, a nearly-but-not-quite white.

And to end the flower show, there's Diana, Princess of Wales. This lovely pink and white rose is a fund-raiser, available through Jackson & Perkins.

I had snow this morning!!! I amin such awe they are beautiful!
I can almost smell them! They are gorgeous. I wish I could get my roses to bloom as nicely as yours. I'm a miserable gardener and I planted them in a too shady location so it's always a battle with rust. I'll just have to enjoy the roses vicariously through you. kelly
Ah they are lovely! It would be hard to pick a favorite, but I think I'm in love with the Sombrueil.
Love your roses! Mine are beginning to bloom too--I'll have to get out and take still more pictures. I have 4 of the David Austens, plus a couple of old grandifloras and some rugosas. Saw the first bud showing color on the pink one today--ought to have blooms by Monday!
And sometimes we just need to have us a good reading spell!
so you're off knitting for a little bit..so what. it happens to us all, a bit of a knitting slump as it were. It'll pick right back up when you're ready. that's one of the best things about knitting, it won't go bad waiting for YOU. I can totally imagine sitting on a small stone bench or adirondack chair in your garden, glass of ice tea, fun or romantic novel, relaxing in the fragrance and loveliness of the roses. you got it made there lady :)
Oh, those roses are gorgeous, and I can just imagine the heavenly fragrance. I like Lisa's image of relaxing with a book. Enjoy that while it lasts. Sounds very restful.
Everyone is a perfect rose. I can almost smell it. SK
The roses are lovely! I especially like the heritage-style climbing ones.
I'm up to the sixth pattern repeat on the shawl pattern you recommended and am quite pleased with it. I'm using size 9 needles with my Soft Delight Extremes, so I'll have to knit a few extra rounds, but I've got enough yarn for it, so I'm not worried.
Heavenly blooms. If I close my eyes I can smell their sweet fragrance, and hear the drunken buzzing of the bees around them. Ah, spring!
Love the Diana... its absolutely gorgeous. I wish my thumb was a green.
Beautiful! We won't get blooms like that until late June!!
I just spent 4 days in central Ontario with snowdrifts up to my arse. The concept of flowers just doesn't register in my mind!
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