I suffer as much from 'startitis' as a reader as I do with my knitting, so I have several books in various stages of reading going at all times. I have books I'm currently devouring or dipping into in bits (current WIP), books I've started and have left for another that was more tempting (WIPs in short-term time-out), and books that have been in short-term time-out so long they've become UFOs. And some of the long-term UFOs eventually are frogged and de-stashed to the library.
My blogger friend
Short Stuff tagged me for this:
Page 56. 2-5 lines of whatever you’re reading right now.
Free-Range Knitter is the newest book by Stephanie Pearl-McPhee, the
Yarn Harlot herself. This is a 'dipping into' book, since it's a book of essays; I read one and then put it aside till I'm in the mood for another of her thought-provoking tales.
Page 56 is in an essay I haven't read yet; I was going to post an excerpt from "Helen", but that's at the end of the book, where I started for some unknown reason. So here's a bit from page 56 of "Denny":
Denny can put on striped tights, a plaid skirt, a handknit sweater in a color that is not present in the stripes or the plaid, top it with a red velvet jacket and a white lace scarf, toss on German shoes, and look inspired. it's a gift. If I put on the same outfit I would look crazy, or homeless, or both.
Otherwise, I'm reading
Blood Bound by Patricia Briggs, part of my ongoing fascination with vampire tales. This is #2 in Ms Briggs' newish series. I zoomed through the first 5
Sookie Stackhouse books, four of them courtesy of the library, and then felt 'done' with it. My favorite is Tanya Huff's
tales of Vicky, Henry and Celluci, which were loosely turned into the TV Series 'Blood Ties'. Well, favorite after Buffy, of course. There are a *lot* of Buffy books.

On the knitting front, I've finished 2 red hats in
Grumperina's Odessa pattern, and both my seniors' group and my Friday night friends clamored for the pattern. I started another, this in the yellow Schoeller + Stahl Hobby yarn (discontinued) that I did first. After working with the red Bernat Satin, the superwash Hobby is scratchy. I'm also working on a scarf using the Satin in a deep jewel-tone multi-color, a design of my own with alternating blocks of knits and purls, which is turning out to look like I've cabled it. ;D. If anyone of my local knitter friends likes it, I'll write up the pattern when it's done.
I'm into Clue #2 of the
Pangea shawl KAL. Clue #3 will be posted tomorrow, so I have to move along with it today.
And I'm going to tag
Marie for the book meme. Marie, you're it!!
Ah! This must be the book meme you mentioned. Okeedokee, I've created a Blogger draft post as my visual reminder. I've been doing audio books lately. Will have to find a book in print that is not a French language reference book (which have been the books in print I've been looking at most frequently lately... but taking an excerpt out of these would be rather boring). I did dip into a mystery book (in print!) which is my current WIP and will go hunt that down for the meme.
It's up! Woohoo! I think this has to be one of my fastest turn around from being tagged. :-D
I love the Yarn Harlot (and I don't even knit).
You must have made a gazzillion of those Odessa's by now. ;-p
I LOVE all things vampire. Hmm..what does that say about us?
This doesn't have anything to do with your post, but thank you for the congratulations on my house! We're both so excited! And I hope that your hubby comes around - after all, we feel when a house is right for us. Sometimes, they just need some prodding. ;)
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